Monday, 19 March 2007

So Nice, He Had To Name It Twice.

I just found out that next month I'll be interviewing the absolute legend featured in the video below:

It's Levi Roots! Or, as his mother calls him, 'Keith'. Sainsburys instantly sold out of Reggae Reggae Sauce after striking a deal with Levi, but I'll keep trying to get hold of a bottle and let you know soon whether he can really justify naming it twice.

So, if you have any questions you'd like me to ask the man, be they sauce, business or reggae related, drop a comment below.


Anonymous said...

How does he feel about

Super Dope Fly said...

Will do - I think it's superb, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. We appreciate that.

You're our new friend. Not in a weird way, obviously.

Reggae Reggae Blog

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing - can you ask him if he'd write us a little testimonial? Like "It's no nice I had to blog twice!" or "Puts music in the blogosphere!" or something?

Also, can you ask for his views on the five-day 'use-by'? Is it restricting people purchasing it in market dominated by preservative-laden sauces?

We'll probably think of more stuff.


Reggae Reggae Blog